Control Diabetes & Lose Weight Naturally

20 01 2018

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Last Updated:  20 January 2018

A good way to manage diabetes and lose weight safely is to understand the connection between the different types of carbohydrate foods consumed…  And the effects unhealthy food choice has on blood sugar levels can lead to illness and disease.

Learn how to select healthier food choices listed in a Glycemic Index (GI).  When applying this knowledge consistently – helps to maintain safe blood sugar levels and supports safe and natural weight loss.

The Glycemic Index (GI) ranks carbohydrate foods on a scale of 0-100.

Zero represents foods low in absorbable blood sugars – whereas 100 is at the top of the high absorbable sugar content of foods.  When blood sugar levels increase above safe levels, or blood sugar count is above 105-110 for sustained periods of time, the body produces more insulin.  This hormone regulates blood sugar levels for metabolic use and stores the unused energy-fuel into fat cells for later use to get work done.

How are Low-GI foods a healthier choice?  Because they are low absorbable sugar foods [carbohydrates] they are slower to digest and absorb more efficiently into the blood stream.  Low-GI foods have a better metabolic efficiency exchange to regulate blood sugar levels, body weight and reduces other related illness and disease health risk associated with obesity.

In short, diabetes is defined and diagnosed as type 1 or 2. Whereas insulin function is designed to sustain “healthy blood sugar levels and metabolic receptors.” However when insulin and receptor function become less efficient, or break and not medically treated – blood sugar levels remain high and weight continues to increase as well as health risk.

To learn more about Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes and the differences between the two – Click on the link to learn more on topic,Diabetes a Serious Disease.”

Both simple and complex carbohydrates are necessary in the diet to maintain good health.  However it is a balance of quantity and quality of total carbohydrate calories consumed that can predict an obesity or pre-diabetic course.  Eating too much of any one food, or the same types of macro and micronutrients daily without variety [Tip: Balance macro nutrients: proteins, carbohydrates and fats] – can lead to any number of health risk problems – the focus here is overload of high sugar concentrate foods.

It is the complex carbohydrates [low sugar concentrate foods] that also delay hunger pains, making weight loss an easier proposition; while alleviating, or preventing the symptoms of diabetes.

Also don’t be fooled in believing “ONLY” low glycemic foods listed within an index can fully remove or resolve all ill-health symptoms; and/or health risk when sedentary and other bad habits and behavior don’t change.

Walk Daily – Get Fit Healthy

The other 50% of the healthy metabolic exchange equation requires daily aerobic exercise.

I’ve worked with many clients throughout the years providing them Customized Fitness and Healthy Habit Programs relative to lifestyle.  Once they learned how easy it was to apply a balanced whole foods diet and exercise daily – weight loss goals were achieved.  Learn More at:  Weight Loss and Fitness Secrets Revealed – New Year New You!

The food groups listed below are determined by medical and dietary professionals as healthier food choices for anyone. Especially those diagnosed as obese and/or with diabetes.

The American Diabetes and American Dietetic Associations have not yet adapted the GI concept.  It appears this has more to do with lack of empirical data required of each food group within the macronutrient-carbohydrate category.  Regardless of empirical data – the GI provides healthier food choice selection for anyone… whereas a majority of the medical community would acknowledge the index as a safe and nutritious guideline for those needing to lose weight safely and control blood sugar levels.

If you have not been successful at weight loss, I highly recommend you request a referral from a primary care physician to see a diabetic, metabolic, or endocrine specialist.  Also ask the medical specialist about healthy food choice using a preferred Glycemic Food Index (GI).  Find out more about GI food choices through an Internet search engine, or visit your local book store.

Listed below are a few food examples listed in the GI.

Eat more healthy farmed fresh whole foods

Lower Glycemic Food Index (GI).   Sugar alcohols (Sorbitol, Maltitol) Soy drinks, milk, yoghurt, Sweet potatoes, yams, vegetables, Fruits – plums, pears, peaches, grapes, grapefruit, cherries, bananas, apples, avocados, fresh juices.  Dried beans, peas, lentils.  Spaghetti, pasta, Basmati rice, Whole grain breads and pita Nuts and seeds.

Higher Glycemic Food Index (GI) Ice cream (low-fat), frozen yogurt.  White bread, doughnuts, croissants, rice cakes, bagels.  White potatoes, corn, white rice.  Low fiber cereals – Cornflakes, RiceKrispies, Fruit loops, etc.  Pineapple, cantaloupe, watermelon, ripe bananas.  Soda, sugar sweetened sports and energy drinks.  Candy, sugar.

High Glycemic Deserts

If you get into the habit of choosing and consuming healthier foods – It will take about 2 weeks to naturally begin craving them.

Giving up an addictive hyper-palatable food habit is the toughest challenge for those struggling with unhealthy body weight and diabetes.  However, if you can stick to healthier low sugar content food group; you’ll feel better, have more energy, lose weight and experience less hunger pain while increasing fitness levels.  And just maybe you’ll be less dependent on certain medications.

Sedentary habits and behavioral disorders aren’t the only cause of unhealthy weight gain. Limited mobility, genetic disorders and other medical conditions must be considered and treated by a medical specialist, especially when complicated by obesity and diabetes.

As a side note…  never forego taking prescribed medications even if you improve diet and have significant weight loss and experience relief of diabetic, or other ill-health symptoms.  Follow all doctor prescription and treatment recommendations.

Good health to you and your family.

Author:  Marc T. Woodard, MBA, BS Exercise Science, USA Medical Services Officer, CPT, RET.  2018 Copyright, All rights reserved.  MirrorAthlete Inc.,  Publishing @:, Sign up for your free monthly eNewsletter.



One response

25 08 2018
Niesha Vermette

Control Diabetes

[…]In 1975 he accurately predicted the health disaster that is presently going down in America because of our addiction to sugar.[…]

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